Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Asking nice like

As my man Ali G says,

”Respeck: there’s so little of it in the world today, you look it up in the dictionary and it ain’t even there.”

Yo word - true dat. For years friends have made fun of some of my polite & understated tendencies that at times come off absurdly stilted. Perhaps it’s like a kind of social stutter, equal parts self-conscious and intractable? Even so, I'm not sure what's not good about erring on the side of polite, as long as your sincere? I'd reckon most of us get our share enough of getting treated lousy in the daily course of things as it is...

The other day the Neighborhood Watch bulletin appeared folded and stuffed in the screen door, shining with a xeroxed promise of News and Information. On reading the updates of recent goings-on, I came to find that my neighbors are masters of the craft and push the mathematical limit of respectful understatement (and maybe safe neighborly concern)-- see below. Respeck yo, it’s not just a word not in the dictionary.

An excerpt from the NW bulletin:

B. and K. had a pleasant and productive discussion with F. and D.
B. and K. assured them we did not want to infringe on their being in the back yard and having social gatherings with friends, however, yelling at other neighbors making neighbors feel uncomfortable in their homes was totally out of the bounds of being acceptable.

They also mentioned the problem with people exposing themselves while urinating and defecating in the yard. This also being totally beyond the bounds of decency - especially since two small children live just 2 houses away. F. assured B. and K. on both these issues letting them know that the homeless people who had been hanging out were no longer visiting as much and they would keep things under control. F. and D. also said they appreciated being approached in this way. We will make sure invited to the next meeting.


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