Thursday, August 05, 2004

photo log #'s 534,568 – 534,571

In support for the thesis that meaning is contextual rather intrinsic; sometimes words in another language completely hit the mark regardless and by the blessing of not knowing their actual native meaning (in this case "hair salon"). Fris-E-ur, indeed.

In Vienna they have a nice summer tradition called a “Hueringer” where, out of the ebullient impatience of the grape, they drink the wine not fully yet fermented and mixed with soda water. It’s better than half bad, though, and I don’t even like white wine that much to start. Catch some Hueringer-ers mid-evening and they may give you this kind of look. They may also give you the finger (lower left), and maybe that’s fair enough.

Don’t be afraid, airbrush your BMW, ‘cause you only live once, but the Goddess of the Ocean Storm lives 4eva!

Finally, what would Vienna be without the Boys Choir?


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