Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Flemish: Belgians keen on speaking a peculiar kind of Dutch
Flanders: A place where they like to speak Flemish.

F. and C. live around the Turkish part of Ghent, so their are a lot of 'doner kebab' shops and smokey tea rooms exclusively the province of men . Canal to cobblestone, it overall seems to be a three-storey city overall, save an occasional medieval steeple.

Today the sun was actually out, which naturally means good Belgian waffle weather. mmm. Warm vanilla hinted sugar-bombs, these things. The shop warmed them up and you can just take them away in your hand.

Of course, you could also buy them at Food Lion.
Yes, truth revealed, beloved Food Lion is a Belgian company. That lion in profile on the logo that looks like it's busting out with "The Robot" on the dance floor? Yeah, that's the Lion of Flanders, my friends.

And what word-concepts might they have in Flemish they might not have in English:

gelegenheidsdichter : occasional poet
gelegenheidsdrinkster : occasional drinker

ergo... gelegenheidsdichter-drinkster : occasional poet drinker ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eat a doener for me! yum! not to mention all the beer and chocolate... I expect you to come back having gained at least 10 lbs.


2:37 AM  

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