Monday, February 14, 2005

Roosters in the House

As months go, February is actually packing serious heat. Not only does it carry Abe Lincoln's and Georgie Washington’s birthdays, but it also is blessed by the glowing presence of The most important holiday of the year—
Yes, that’s exactly right, Chinese New Year.

It is forgivable if you mistakenly thought that when Dick Clark dropped the Times Square apple that it was something other than a false start. Awfully trashed or awfully mirthful/less, when you were conniving that resolution you will not keep or scheming a midnight kiss, that may have been a matter of a Happy 2005. But burn a joss stick for your ancestors, roll out the Double Happiness, and let’s get on with it folks -- take pleasure in this Happy Year of 4702.

I can’t imagine what People’s Republic must have been like this last week as people packed trains to head back home. You are one of over 1.4 billion; what do you wish for?

"I hope my work will go smoothly and my parents will have good health," civil servant Liu Yijue told the French news agency AFP.

Cheers to comrade Yijue for keeping it both real and simple.
small and meaningful hopes carry a better weight in your hand.


It’s year of the Rooster. And what will that mean for you age-divisble-by12 people? Well, it seems the following is true of you:

"a hard worker; shrewd and definite in decision making often speaking their mind. Because of this, you tend to seem boastful to others. You are a dreamer, flashy dresser, and extravagant to an extreme."

And what would be the best livelihood for such a personality, beside say the life of Elton John or Madonna?

"Born under this sign you should be happy as a restaurant owner, publicist, soldier or world traveler."



My housemate C. has apparently been throwing these Chinese new year parties for a few years now. It seems she started the personal tradition in Germany, an obtuse detail that somehow only makes it that much more perfect. C. and her friend Rose decided to you be reasonable and invite around 200 people; almost half of that filled the house Saturday night. Luckily old houses have floors that can handle the dancing that comes with that.

I invited only a couple folk, a true minority amongst the hordes, but at least a couple dressed to kill, like Laxmi here.

Sure, the get-up was mainly for another party later on, but that doesn't matter as much as the fact that the rhinestones in her belt buckle spell out her name. A rooster and its strutting crown ain’t got nothing on that action. Take notes you chicken koop fools.


The traditional red envelopes were passed out as party favors. Usually with a nice sum of folded cash, these particualr ones included polite suggestions for revelry. For example, the card in the envelope I chanced on read: “Find someone you’d like to have sex with and take a shot.”

I assumed 'the shot' was referring to “Red Star” Chinese liquor from one of the wooden cups lingering around the crowd, but maybe I’m limiting my horizons with this interpretation? I actually passed on the Red Star this time. This seemed for the best anyway, for as C. reminded me, on first meeting as housemates we got a little blotto on the stuff, resulting in a decision of infinite wisdom to paint the bathroom ceiling *right then* and through the early morning. that particular Fire Water is best avoided.


And even roosters sleep. I mean, they need rest before crowing at some other ungodly and limnal hour.

So once everyone leaves a 4 a.m., the idea of brushing your teeth and going to bed is the best sort of idea. While debating the virtues of flossing before or flossing after brushing with someone crashing at the house that night, I went to spit-n-rinse, only to find the foreshadows of yet another holiday that this month harbors...

oh, right.
What should it mean to find a tiny red heart staring at you from the bottom of your bathroom sink when your just about to spit a mouthful of minty suds right onto it?

Don’t over think it, that little bright heart. Riding down the drain or holding tight to the white enamel, it is what it is. so take hold, give away, and please be kind on this February 14th.
Rooster says so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so was it that out of the approximately 200 people at the party there was no one there you wanted to sleep with? hmmmmm.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Policy Analyst said...

finally an update to the blog. thanks. betsy

11:07 PM  

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