Monday, November 29, 2004

Thanksgiving-->Chana Masala

The people at Trinity House and associates kindly had me for Thanksgiving. Given the vegans around, it made complete sense to have a South Indian Thanksgiving. D. and H.A. used many recipes from the Indian cookbook my Mom gave D. for Christmas seven years ago. L., however, is from Madras, so she managed on her own.
Oh -- but the food was good.
After dinner and before dessert, someone had the idea to have us read Ch. 13 of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man at the table. A scene where the protagonist eats hot yams on the snowfallen Harlem street. Unashamed of the food he eats, and who this makes him. Black in America. or otherwise. or whatever. The yam was hot, buttered. and he ate three.

There is so much giving its hard to realize what you get (and but its even all the time). I couldn't be fuller. even if I had four bovine stomachs or two Siamese minds. it is overflowing. it is a steaming orange yam in my winter hands.


Blogger andrew s.yang said...

I haven't read any Tom Robbins. I know, that must make me sound illiterate, but it's true. I guess it is time to bump it up on the list though.
Can you give me a hint about in what form, manner and tendency the yam appeared and is quoted in the Cowgirls book?

The most evocative about the Ellison excerpt was this line about how if someone laughed at him for eating a yam in the street, the character fantasized of taking the peel and smear it down their face. damn.

9:52 PM  

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