Tuesday, October 12, 2004

International Apples

It's apple season. Where I grew up in Sterling, Massachusetts it's apple season. MacIntosh is the word on the lips of every pomme-eater and cider drinker. They are the Appaloosa of apples: mottled, dappled with green and red. Those apple farms are closing down by the year, but perhaps enough will also remain. I was gladdened when I heard my fellow Sterlingite, B.w., was returning this weekend to get the apple in the way you can't in the city. I trust that now many sit in bowl somewhere in Cambridge. quietly ripening.

You know the world you are living in is truly global when the following is true about tha apple juice you buy at a gas station on Columbus Day weekend in rural North Carolina:

Sip, sip, sip...four continents, ten countries.

In other tran-national fruit news, local rock band International Orange just won The Independent awards for best new band in the Triangle. Even if it is like comparing "apples to oranges," cheers to that.


Blogger andrew s.yang said...

it is amazing, isn't it? Thanks for the supplemental (with references) on the Magyar appling industry. Johnathans are good apples, if I'm remembering which are they are....

3:38 PM  

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